Tag: automobili

  • Estetica post-picco

    But what will the human-made world look like a few decades beyond Peak Oil? Will we see a fulfillment of the Arts and Crafts ideal? It would be nice to think so. However, the world in which Morris and his colleagues lived and worked — including the cultural symbols, the skills, even in some cases…

  • Falsa libertà

    The habitual passenger must adopt a new set of beliefs and expectations if he is to feel secure in the strange world where both liaisons and loneliness are products of conveyance. To “gather” for him means to be brought together by vehicles. He comes to believe that political power grows out of the capacity of…

  • E quei 40 minuti li passerete in coda al casello.

    Elenco delle tratte automobilistiche dotate di tutor: A4 – da Cavenago a Brescia Ovest: lunghezza percorso 65,1 km A 130 km/h: 30’03” A 150 km/h: 26’02” differenza: 4’01” A4 – da Brescia Est a Sommacampagna: lunghezza percorso 33,6 km a 130 km/h: 15’30” a 150 km/h: 13’26” differenza: 2’04” A1 – da San Zenone al…