Tag: picco delle risorse

  • Usurai

    Siamo gli usurai del nostro pianeta: In a lecture to the Royal Academy of Engineering in May, Professor Rod Smith of Imperial College explained that a growth rate of 3% means economic activity doubles in 23 years. At 10% it takes just seven years. This we knew. But Smith takes it further. With a series…

  • Dan Barber e una domanda mal posta

    And when you suggest these are the things that will insure the future of good food, someone somewhere stands up and says, “Hey guy, I love pink flamingos, but how are you going to feed the world? How are you going to feed the world?” Can I be honest? I don’t love that question. No,…

  • Tikopia

    In addition to their islandwide system of multistory orchards and fields, social adaptations sustained the Tikopian economy. Most important, the islanders’ religious ideology preached zero population growth. Under a council of chiefs who monitored the balance between the human population and natural resources, Tikopians practiced draconian population control based on celibacy, contraception, abortion, and infanticide,…

  • Ri(n)voluzioni

    From 1970 to 1990 the total number of hungry people fell by 16 percent, a decrease typically credited to the green revolution. However, the largest drop occurred in communist China, beyond the reach of the green revolution. The number of hungry Chinese fell by more than 50 percent, from more than 400 million to under…

  • Michael Pollan: dal punto di vista delle piante

    And agriculture suddenly appeared to me not as an invention, not as a human technology, but as a co-evolutionary development in which a group of very clever species, mostly edible grasses, had exploited us, figured out how to get us to basically deforest the world. L’agricoltura improvvisamente non mi è apparsa come un’invenzione, come una…

  • I Garamanti

    L’articolo seguente è comparso originariamente sul blog di ASPO-Italia. Quella dei Garamanti fu una popolazione berbera che sarebbe stata relegata ad una nota a piè di pagina, o ad un posto di non particolare rilievo negli elenchi di popoli delle versioni di latino, se non ci fossero state sorprendenti scoperte nelle campagne archeologiche condotte nel…